This weekend most movie theaters will resemble a vortex of femininity thanks to the release of HBO's long awaited Sex and The City film. Nevermind the fact that some studio should have had the foresight to release a movie called Violent Explosions and Hot Babes aimed exclusively at the male population or maybe just re-released Rambo and Rocky Balboa, it's far too late for that now and we're in the throes of what just may be the biggest opening weekend all summer. I haven't seen female film fans this excited since Titanic won all of those Oscars. By all accounts this film is all set to be the female version of the release of all of those Star Wars prequels, the girls' chance to geek out as their favorite characters hit the big screen in what looks to be an absolutely atrocious film. I haven't been less enthused to see a movie since I saw the preview for The Good Son starring Macauley Culkin. Frankly, after seeing the trailer, I wouldn't go see this film if I was promised sex afterwards. Then again, most women probably would've said the same thing with the male obsession with both Indiana Jones and Iron Man the last few I guess we're even.
So how much will the film about those four girls whose names I don't want to admit that I know gross at the box office on opening weekend? $100 Million? $300 Million? $1 Billion? Okay, maybe those last two estimates are optimistic, but this is a weekend that truly tests the drawing power of films aimed specifically at women. If Sex and The City does as well as it should, we might see a Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy movie on the horizon. Perhaps, Drew Barrymore will get the girls back together for Charlie's Angels 3: More Throttle. Regardless of what might come after, I'm going to stick with a $160 million estimate for the biggest movie event since...well last week.
You wouldn't actually know it, but other movies are coming out this weekend. The only one in wide release is The Strangers, which judging from the preview actually looks pretty creepy. However, it is a horror, suspense film and most trailers for horror films are supposed to look like that. Otherwise someone's not doing their job. Either way, I don't see this film grabbing anything higher than 5th place. There's too much out there in the way of blockbusters and Ashton Kutcher films for this one to make a dent...unless for some reason someone who can't get tickets to Sex and The City decides they want to see a horror film instead. Though really, what are the odds of that happening.
This blog is published by The Film School & Acting School at the New York Film Academy. Visit our website to learn more about our exciting curriculum!
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