Film fans, I am completely dumbfounded. It seems my powers of prediction should be held under suspicion after last week's post in which we had the audacity to proclaim that Sex and The City's opening weekend would trump that of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls, turning it into perhaps the biggest blockbuster of the summer. However, when the numbers came out on Sunday night my jaw was agape in disbelief. Frankly, I think someone got their math a little wrong. Every single female I know and even some men went to to see Sex and The City this weekend. I even know people who saw it twice. Some of them didn't even like the show and were just seeing it to be ironic. The numbers just don't add up. While $56.8 million is a whole lot of loot and certainly a respectable first weekend take I believe it to be a mathematic impossibility. Something foul is afoot and I demand a recount. Now you might be asking yourself what this would prove? Well, the answer is, absolutely nothing...but maybe just maybe Paramount rigged the numbers so nobody would beat their two most successful summer releases in Indy and Iron Man...or not. I would just like someone to check again because with all of the buzz that surrounded this movie you would've thought it was the only movie out in theaters. I find the numbers to be completely implausible and it hast landed me in a state of utter moviegoing shock. Somehow I would not have been surprised if it earned $500 million, but $56.8 million.
While Sex and the City was busy being a both a monetary and critical disappointment, a couple of other notable films picked up the slack. Indy pulled up in 2nd place with $44.8 million and the new horror thriller, The Strangers earned an impressive $21 million, knocking Iron Man all the way down to 4th place taking it to it's lowest rung on the box office ladder since it's release. Ok film fans, it's safe to go back to the multiplex...and even some of the art house theaters. There'll be less drunk people smuggling in Cosmopolitans this week.
This blog is published by The Film School & Acting School at the New York Film Academy. Visit our website to learn more about our exciting curriculum!
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