Well, in case you thought that Eddie Murphy had turned over a new leaf after years and years of fat suits and screwball comedies to pursue serious acting, thanks to Oscar nominated landmark films like Dreamgirls and Norbit so you can rest easy. Mr. Murphy is still trying to make us laugh for the first time since 1988's Coming To America.
Don't worry, he's still using his favorite comedic device... himself! That's right. Murphy will once again be playing multiple characters, his M.O. for just about every single one of his movies that didn't involve Axel Foley or a titled referencing an Australian frisbee. The only difference is that this time he'll be doing it in a brand new (old) way. He won't be getting into the ol' Klumps Fat Suit (or does he) or pretending to be a white guy (though he will be using his white guy voice!). This time Eddie

It's all pretty similar to the final skit in Woody Allen's "Everything You Wanted To Know About Sex But Were Afraid To Ask" but (most likely) without Burt Reynolds having any say over this being's erection. Yes, Eddie Murphy will play the roll of the commander of the crew aboard the S.S. Eddie Murphy…a robot he steers through what might be a romantic comedy or a man vs. machine type storyline. We're not exactly sure what it's angling for. All we can tell from the trailer is that the film centers around Eddie Murphy's robot getting to know Elizabeth Banks in New York City, while his Robot Crew fall in coffee and befriends police. In any case we hope the uncertainty we feel towards the film might be salvaged if Mr. Murphy were to dress up as a fat guy inside himself and let loose bodily functions. Because if it's one thing Eddie Murphy does well is dress up like a fat guy and rail on fat guy stereotypes. Or maybe he could just go back to being funny.
This blog is published by The Film School & Acting School at the New York Film Academy. Visit our website to learn more about our exciting curriculum!
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